Oh wow, what a day! So Patrick Swayze decided to defend the anti- semitic rantings of 'Mel Gib-son of a b**ch' on British television. My first response to this was, poor Mel. Of all the 'celebs' to have chosen to stuck up for their old pal and colleague, he gets Patrick 'I wish I was still in Dirty Dancing or Ghost as they were my only decent films, but by decent I mean in any way popular and not necessarily good. Oh shit, where am I going to get my next pay cheque, Im looking really old and tired' Swayze! GUTTED! As if things couldn't get worse, ol' Swayze's comments were hilarious. He claimed, "Hands deserved to be slapped if you do something stupid, but don't take it too far." Don't take it too far. Hmm perhaps someone should have given Mel that advice before his drunken tirade. Now here is the bit that got me. Not only did Swayze continue to discuss how "talented" Mel was, but he also stated that he was "a wonderful human being" and that the pair had "been in each other's lives for a long time." Ok. Right. Are you guys in love? Seriously! And so, Swayze has prompted me to finish this post with an in-no-way-childish rendition of my favourite school song "Patrick and Mel sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage...."
*having finished this post, I thought the readers might find it amusing that my computer's spell check gave me several options for the unrecognised word 'Swayze'. The first one was 'swastika' and the second was 'sleaze'! I kid you not!