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Perez Hilton - Anonymous Online Confessions and Photos.

Anonymity Sets You Free.

a once loyal reader

Officially taking you guys off my bookmarks bar for lack of posts. Please come back.


Dont worry! we will be back very soon! I (Lauren) have returned to CR HQ after a very long break. the posting shall pick up in the next couple of days! woohoo!

michael tinson


All you good folk with the money that you have been storing up for the rightous for some GODLEY contribution.
I have one, pray and send me some information you guys of how i may contact you in your secret closets of visionary receptions.
I have something to share with you from on high. BIG SMILES to all of you born again covered under the blood true christian beleivers.

michael tinson
p.o. box 1343
cockeysville , md. 21030

michael tinson


All you good folk with the money that you have been storing up for the rightous for some GODLEY contribution.
I have one, pray and send me some information you guys of how i may contact you in your secret closets of visionary receptions.
I have something to share with you from on high. BIG SMILES to all of you born again covered under the blood true christian beleivers.

michael tinson
p.o. box 1343
cockeysville , md. 21030

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