There are so many stories continuing to be generated by the the Scientologist superstar who is increasly losing his hold on sanity, that to be honest, we can't be bothered to reprint them all here. Yes, we know he has changed Katie Holmes' name, and that the "couple" have signed a $22 million pre nup (that is $8 million for Kate regardless of whether or not they wed, and a further $14 million if they wed and divorce - who knew that spawning the anti christ would be such a lucrative business venture?), and we couldn't care less about the assorted craziness that seems to follow him where ever he goes. However, we do feel the need to point out that he is looking more and more like the complete tool he is everyday.
I can remember a time in the distant past, when Tom was considered attractive, sexy even. Scientology has robbed us of those days, and of my happy "Risky Business" memories. A curse on you L. Ron Hubbard, a curse!
I too remember those happy days...the Top Gun days.
Much like those happy-go-lucky days when John Travolta was Danny Zuko, and all was right with the world.
Now they disgust me. Crazy is so unattractive.
Posted by: Shannon C. | 04/05/2006 at 01:14 AM
Uh Oh........He is chewing gum, remember the martians in Mar's Attacks!!!!!He really is an alien
Posted by: MG | 04/05/2006 at 05:01 PM