We have received numerous complaints recently, bemoaning us for neglecting the groundbreaking regular feature we refer to as "religious racks". In our defence, there has been so much recent excitement surrounding alien babies, silent births, as well as controversial blasphemous movies, that we have not had much of a chance to think about tits. Its a poor excuse, I know, and no one really believes that we have not been thinking about breasts recently, but we will try to make it up to you, starting now.
Today we bring you some Kabbalistic fun bags, this particular pair belonging to the spiritually enlightened, religiously dedicated Paris Hilton.
OK, we really had to sit down and think about this one. We vowed never to post pictures of Paris Hilton's love pillows, because, A) everyone, everywhere, has either seen them or drunk tequila off them, and B) we didn't want to induce our readers to vomit. However, we were glancing at GoFugYourself this morning, and this outfit was just so wrong that we couldn't help ourselves. This does make me wonder if it is really that difficult to get dressed without your underwear showing? Although I guess we should just be thankful that she even bothered to wear a bra.
Strangely not everyone is as impressed by Herpes Hilton's religious convictions as we are, and the great grandmother of Celebrity Religion herself has slammed Paris for using Kabalah as a fashion accessory.
Madonna told website The Scoop, "People like Paris Hilton come into a centre and buy a book or a band and that's it for them. It doesn't mean they study it.
"It's very hard to be a believer. I'm very serious about it."
Of course, Madonna would never dream of trivializing religion by using it to generate publicity, to update her image or for good old fashioned sensationalism, and therefore is extremely justified, and not at all hypocritical in her judgement of Paris.... And on an unrelated note, we are all looking forward to seeing Madonna being crucifixed on a giant, $10 million cross made of Swarovski crystals, on her latest tour.