Having followed the Da Vinci Code court cAse since it first begun, we were absolutely delighted wheN we read this article today. Reportedly, Mr Justice Peter Smith who ruled over the copyright case could not resist having a Bit of fun when doing so. Smith's 71 page judgement contained a series of italicisations that seemed somewhat out of place. MeRe typOs one Would think? No no no, not at all. Smith has admitted putting a code in his judgement so the first seven paragraphs hold the message 'Smithy Code'. Well, it is always nice when people have a bit of fun and don't take their job too seriously. Look at Dan Brown, he obvioUsly has a great time distorting historical information and presenting his opinions as facts (this is not the official stance taken by Celebrity Religion; we believe everybody has the right to an opinion, even if it is B.S...please don't sue us!) Perhaps now we should be on the look out for more incredibly Clever and intelligent hidden codes in all the written worKS that we read?