Following our recent post about the D-List celebrity turn out for a Scientology center opening, it should come as no surprise that the cult has been out and about trying to get more attractive members. Tom Cruise, the leading evangelist of the alien-loving, money- making, drug, smoking, fun and sanity prohibiting religion, has been busy proving he is the "Top Gun" when it comes to converting. (Its a poor pun, but in our defense, we stole it from this article) Reports have been coming in that he is currently reaching out to British Tabloid royalty, Posh and Becks. According to one news source , the soon to be Mrs Cruise has been spending so much time with the current Mrs Beckham that she has asked Posh to be her birthing partner. It would seem that this birth is going to be the celebrity event of the year! (We are sure our invite is just lost in the post, and will get here any day now.) There are also rumours that the former Spice Girl has been spotted reading Scientology material. This certainly raised a few eyebrows at the Celebrity Religion HQ, as the idea of Posh reading anything other than Vogue (and by "read", I mean "look at the pretty pictures and slag off models for clearly having consumed food") and "The Hungry Caterpillar" (I hear that Beckham lists this as his favourite book, although still has trouble pronouncing "caterpillar") seems somewhat improbable. Posh has admitted to never having read a book in her life, despite supposedly writing two, so unless the Scientology material being referred is in comic strip form, we are gonna take this report with a pinch of salt.