It has been a bit of a slow news day here at celebrity religion, so we thought we would bring you a bit of regular religion news to pass the days until TomKat drops her improbable load. Today's most bizarre story has to be that of the discovery of two fish in a pet shop in Liverpool, UK, that allegedly bear the words "Allah" and "Muhammad" in Arabic script on their scales.
Oddly enough, only last month their was a similar reporting of a fish in Manchester (UK again) that had "Allah" one side of its body, and "Muhammad" on the other. Hmm, it all smells a bit fishy to us (sorry I couldn't resist.) Lets just hope that having the name of the Prophet on your body does not constitute the breaking of Islam's prohibition of idols, or else someone will be having fish fingers for dinner tonight.
Perhaps our all time favourite divine cameo has to be the "Vigin Mary Cheese Toastie" which sold on ebay for $28,000.
Strangely all our attempts to create a miraculous toasted sandwich to sell to some sucker on ebay have failed. Although the images burnt into our toast does look uncannily similar to a pregnant Angelina Jolie, leading to further speculation that she is in fact carrying the Hollywood Messiah.